Through informed consent, you consent to the electronic sharing of your health data. Better communication between the people who treat you benefits your health.
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your health insurance fund.
It is the agreement that you as a patient give for the electronic and secure sharing of your health data between the people who treat you. The sharing of this data only takes place in the context of the continuity and quality of medical care. In doing so, the regulations for the protection of your private life are observed. It is your data and it is protected. You can decide at any time whether or not to share this data.
This authorization applies throughout Belgium: all healthcare providers, all hospitals and all health networks of the country are therefore involved, regardless of their location.
The principles underlying this authorization have been the subject of deliberations by the Health Section of the Sectoral Committee of Social Security and Health of the Commission for the Protection of Privacy, which has approved its modalities.
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